public speaking!

hi its me again Olpmcc,

This year for public speaking i wrote about why… Candy is bad for the body

Do you like candy well I do! And  I’m going to tell you all about why it’s not good for you. Welcome students, teachers, judges and guests! If you know me then you know that I love to eat sweets like cakes, cookies, and candy. Basically anything with sugar, I would dip candy in honey and roll it in sugar if I could. However we all know that eating too much sugar is bad for you because it may cause a variety of health problems such as cavities, diabetes and heart disease.

Too much Candy can cause cavities. Now you may be wondering what even are cavities? Well cavities are decayed areas of your teeth that develop into tiny openings or holes. There are 3 types of cavities: smooth cavities,root cavities & pit cavities. Cavities cause pain and pain is not a friend so if you don’t want any cavities then don’t eat too much candy, or if you can’t stop, like me, then brush your teeth very well!

Eating too much SUGAR can cause Diabetes, now some of you may or may not know what diabetes is. Diabetes is the condition in which the body does not properly process food for use as energy. Some of the food we eat is turned into glucose, or sugar for our bodies to use for sports and stuff like that. The organ that uses the sugar is called a pancreas, it lies near the stomach and makes a hormone called insulin to help glucose get into the cells of our bodies when our sugar levels are to high or to low the insulin works to hard and if the pancreas breaks no you can not get it replaced its gone for LIFE.

Sugar is one of the many causes of heart disease, Heart disease is a condition that affects the structure of the heart. Most people think of heart disease as one condition. But for a fact, heart disease is a group of conditions with many different root causes and sugar is just one of them so unless u want heart disease try not to eat too much BAD sugar. Bad sugar is found in candy, but good sugar is found in fruit. 

In conclusion  candy is not good for the body because it can lead to cavities, Diabetes & heart disease. Cavities as we know are painful and can lead to bigger infections. Too much sugar can affect your pancreas, causing diabetes just a reminder your pancreas is not replaceable. Candy does not only damage your pancreas, it can lead to heart disease. Now i want you to think about do you want any of these so the next time you open some candy think to yourself do i want diabetes, heart disease & cavities a little candy won’t hurt but a lot can which leads to all of these and more thank you for reading!


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